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📋 Project Report Out Database

What Is It?

The Project Report Out Database is the file where all Project Report Outs (PRO) are stored. It provides you a company level overview of the financial situation of all your projects based on their last received PRO.

Key Concepts

Project Report Out

The Project Report Out is a project update that Project Managers send on a regular basis. In Conduite, they are expected to send it twice a month on every 2nd and 4th Thursday.

The PRO is sent from the Project Dashboard of a project and contains the main project KPIs as well as narrative components that detail was was done in the previous and upcoming project periods.

Field Description
Project ID

This is a unique identifier for the project. This is the ID of the Google Spreadsheet file.

💡This field is preloaded.

Project Name

The name of the project

💡This field is preloaded.

Project Status

A traffic light indicator that reflects the current overall status of the project.

Tip: Make sure to set a clear definition for each color in order to have consistence across PROs and projects.

Labor - Execution Rate

The current Execution Rate of the project.

💡This field is preloaded.

Labor - Execution Efficiency

The current Execution Efficiency of the project.

💡This field is preloaded.

Expenses - Margin Accrued

The current Accrued Margin on expenses of the project.

💡This field is preloaded.

What happened in the last 2 weeks?

A summary of what has been done in the last 2 weeks or since the last PRO was submitted.

Tip: Make sure to include any context that helps understand the values of the project KPIs.

What is planned for the next 2 weeks?

A summary that details what the project team expects to do in the next 2 weeks.

Tip: Make sure to include any strategy adjustment details.

Key Performance Indicators

Labor - Execution Rate ⭐

The Execution Rate (%EX) is a financial indicator that tells you how much (%) budget you've spent to date related to the amount you think you need to execute the project, i.e. Expected Execution Budget.

It is not (exactly) an indicator of progress  of execution of project activities, i.e. it does not tell us if the project is close to completion. Ex: the last activity of the project is a one week training. This activity represents 30% of the budget but only one week of work.

Labor - Execution Efficiency ⭐

The Execution Efficiency (EE) is a KPI that tells you whether your team is on track to be in budget or not. In other words, whether the team will meet its Margin Objective on labor. 

It compares how much labor you would have spent of the Execution Budget (EB) based on your current Execution Rate (%EX) to what you a have spent to date.

Project teams should manage their project to achieve and Execution Efficiency 100% or above.

Because it is a percentage, you can instantly assess the financial health of a project, regardless of the Margin Objective.

It is the main KPI that allows you to trigger adjustments of strategy and/or objectives (client approach, margin, scope, ...).


  • EE < 100% - The team will spent more money than expected and the margin generated will be lower than the objective.
  • EE = 100% - The team will spent as much as expected.
  • EE > 100% - The team will spent less money than expected and the margin generated will be above the objective.


Let's consider a project that has a Labor budget (LB) of $1,000 and a Margin Objective (MO) of 40%. The resulting Execution Budget (EB) is:

Let's consider the following scenarios:

Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3
spent $200 $150 $400
remaining $300 $550 $190
Execution Rate (%EX)
Execution Efficiency (EE)

Let's analyze these numbers and discuss possible actions:

EE Status Possible Actions
Scenario 1 120% 🎉
  • Increase the Margin Objective
    The team wants to bank the extra margin

  • Invest the additional margin
    The team decides to do more for the client
Scenario 2 86% 🚨
  • Decrease the Margin Objective
    The team considers it will not be able to make for the lost margin

  • Decrease the scope
    Convince the client to do less work in order to decrease the remaining costs

  • Ask for extra budget
    In order to completely or partially make for the lost margin

  • New working approach
    In order to increase the efficiency of the team and make up all or part of the lost margin
Scenario 3 102% 👌
  • Nothing
    The team is executing as planned

Expenses - Accrued Margin

Expenses - Margin Accrual Efficiency ⭐

Using The Application

Typical Workflow

  1. You open the PRO Database tab and filter the list to display only the last PRO. That gives an overview of the financials for all your projects.
  2. You open the Project Sheet tab in order to dive deeper into a specific project and appreciate the trends of its KPIs.

Structure & Features

PRO Database

This is a read-only (protected) tab. Do not modify it.

This tab displays the main fields of a PRO. Some fields are hidden to make the table more readable. If you want to see the full details of a PRO use the menu 🐙 Conduite > 📄 View Full PRO.

Field Description

The date the PRO was sent and received.

Project Name The name of the project
Status The status of the project at the time of the PRO.
LB - %EX The Execution Rate of the project at the time of the PRO.
LB - EE The Execution Efficiency of the project at the time of the PRO.
EP - %AM The percentage of Accrued Margin on expenses of the project at the time of the PRO.
EP - MAE The Margin Accrual Efficiency on expenses of the project at the time of the PRO.
Last PRO An "X" sign tags the last PRO of a project.
PRO Age The age of the PRO in days. Ex: 21 means that the PRO was received 21 days ago.

Project Sheet

This tab allows you to deep dive into a project data over time. Use the Project dropdown to select the project of interest.

The tab is composed of several sections.

Section Description

Last Project Report Out

 A table that displays the KPIs from the last PRO of a project.

Evolution of Project KPIs (Chart)

A chart that show the evolution all project KPIs over time.

All Project Report Outs

A table that displays all PROs for a project ordered by ascending date. This is the source of the chart.


This is a hidden and read-only (protected tab). This tab should remain hidden. Do not modify it.

This tab contains the ID of the Conduite configuration file and other computed configuration parameters. 

Conduite Menu

View Full PRO

This menu item opens a detailed view for a PRO in the sidebar. You need to be on the PRO Database tab to use this feature and to select any cell of an opportunity before triggering it. The sidebar will display the details for the selected PRO.

You can navigate to the previous and next opportunity by clicking the arrows located at the top of the sidebar.

Filter > Show All PROs

This menu item shows all the PROs and orders them in descending order of date.

This view is useful if, on a specific occasion, you want to browse through all PROs.

Filter > Show Last PROs Only

This menu item only shows the last PROs that were received for each project and orders them in descending order of date.

This is the most useful view for the day-to-day use of the PRO Database.


This menu item opens the sidebar and loads this help page.