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📊 Project Dashboard

What Is It?

The Project Dashboard is the application that allows you to track the financial performance of a project. It does so by providing the project teams with simple yet powerful KPIs on Labor and Expenses.

Key Concepts



Daily Rates




Expenses / Direct Costs










Project Report Out (PRO)


Key Performance Indicators

Main KPIs

Labor - Execution Rate ⭐


Labor - Execution Efficiency ⭐


Expenses - Margin Accrual Efficiency ⭐


Intermediate KPIs

Labor - Execution Budget


Labor - Expected Execution Budget


Labor - Expected Margin


Expenses - Margin Accrued


Expenses - Expected Margin


Using The Application

Typical Workflow

Project Setup

These steps are performed once at the beginning of the project.

  1. You fill in the Project Sheet with the financial data from the contract and/or the Budget Builder.
  2. You fill in the Contact List with the contact information of the most important project stakeholders.
  3. You update the Labor and Expenses Tracking tabs with the initial data from the Budget Builder.
  4. You make sure that the Rates tab has the correct Unloaded Rates.

Project Execution

These steps are executed on a regular basis by the Project Manager in order to update the project resourcing and financials.

  1. Labor Tracking Tab
    • The Project Manager updates the period to reflect the ones that in the past, current and in the future.
    • The Project Manager pulls the spent time from your time tracking system and updates the spent column of the Labor Tracking Time.
    • The Project Manager updates the resourcing for the future periods.
    • The project Manager looks at the KPIs (in particular %EX, EE) and decides how to adjust (or not) the project execution strategy. This can lead to an update of the Margin Objective for Labor.
  2. Expenses tab
    • The Project Manager updates the number of items invoiced since the beginning of the project for each expense item.
    • The Project Manager updates the estimated number of items to be invoices for expense item until the end of the project.
    • The project Manager looks at the KPIs (in particular MAE) and decides how to adjust (or not) the project execution strategy. This can lead to an update of the Margin Objective for Expenses / Direct Costs.
  3. Performance Tab
    • The Project Manager looks at the consolidated performance of the his/her project.
    • S/He can decide to adjust the execution strategy and eventually update the Margin Objectives for Labor and/or Expenses.
  4. Project Report Out
    • The Project Manager sends a Project Report Out (🐙 Conduite Menu) and provides context on the current values of the project KPIs and strategy adjustments.

Structure & Features

Project Sheet

This tab contains project administrative information as well as all the financial configuration.

Project Section

Attribute Description
Project Name The name of the project. 
Client The name of the client.
Project Manager Email The email of the Project Manager. This is required to receive the PRO Update.
Task Management Tool The link to the task management tool (Asana, Trello, Basecamp, ...) used to coordinate work on the project.
Budget Builder The link to the Budget Builder. This is required to automatically seed the financial sections of this sheet. See the Seed From Budget Builder menu option.

Planning Section

Attribute Description
Period Type Choose whether the project is planned over months or weeks.
Period Start The number of the month or week on which the project execution starts (ex: May is 5, last week of the year is 52).

Contract Financials Section

This section contains the financial data as per the contract or the Budget Builder. This is the baseline data at the moment the project starts (or at the signature of the contract).

These values are not expected to change during the execution of the project (unless there was a data entry error).

Attribute Description
Contract - Value

The total value of the contract.

💡Computed Field

Contract - Margin (%)

The overall margin percentage of the contract at signature

💡Computed Field

Contract - Margin ($)

The overall margin value of the contract at signature

💡Computed Field

Labor - Value The amount of the labor component of the contract.
Labor - Margin (%)
The margin percentage on the labor component of the contract.
Labor - Margin ($)

The margin value on the labor component of the contract.

💡Computed Field

Expenses / Direct Costs - Value The amount of the expenses component of the contract.
Expenses / Direct Costs - Margin (%)
The margin percentage on the expenses component of the contract.
Expenses / Direct Costs - Margin ($)

The margin value on the expenses component of the contract.

💡Computed Field

Financial Objective Section

This section defines the Margin Objectives for both Labor and Expenses / Direct Costs.

The Margin Objectives (%) are expected to change during the execution of the project as the project strategy is adjusted.

Attribute Description
Labor - Margin Objective (%)
The Margin Objective percentage on Labor.
Labor - Margin Objective ($)

The Margin Objective amount on Labor.

💡Computed Field

Labor - Execution Budget

The value of the Execution Budget.

💡Computed Field

Expenses / Direct Costs - Margin Objective (%)
The Margin Objective percentage on Expenses / Direct Costs.
Expenses / Direct Costs - Margin Objective ($)

The Margin Objective amount on Expenses / Direct Costs.

💡Computed Field

Contact List

This tab contains the contact information of the main project stakeholders. It notably important to identify the Project Manager on the client side.

Attribute Description
The name of the stakeholder.
Email The email of the stakeholder.
Role The role of the stakeholder in the project
SPoC Is that stakeholder the Single Point of Contact on the client side?

Labor Tracking

This tab allows you to track the amount of labor spent and forecasted for each staff member allocated to the project. One line corresponds to a staff member.

Attribute Description
Staff The name of the staff member allocated to the project.
Role The role of the staff member.
Unloaded Rate

The Unloaded Rate associated to the role of the staff member.

💡Computed Field

Spent (h)

The number of hours spent on the project to date by the staff member. This comes from your time tracking system.

Make sure that the period types are up-to-date.

Spent ($)

The monetary value of the hours spent to date by the staff member on the project (function of the Unloaded Rate).

💡Computed Field

Remaining ($)

The monetary value of the number of remaining days planned for the Forecast period (function of the Unloaded Rate). 

Make sure that the period types are up-to-date.

💡Computed Field


The number of days planned for the staff member on the project.

Each period has a type:

  • Past - Period that is in the past
  • Current - The current period
  • Forecast - Period in the future

Only the Forecast periods and taken into consideration to compute the remaining work.

Make sure to keep the period types always up-to-date.

It also provides the labor related KPIs:

⛑️ Adding An Staff Member

In order to add an staff member you simply need to:

  1. Insert a row where ever you want in the table (Right Click > Insert row above / below).
  2. Copy the formulas for the computed fields.

Validation conditions will be copied automatically.

Expenses Tracking

This tab allows you to track the invoicing of Expenses / Direct Costs. One line corresponds to one expense item.

Attribute Description
The workstream to which this expense is related.
The name of the expense item.
Unit Cost - Sold
The Unitary Cost of the expense item as charged to the client.
The percentage of margin done on the expense item.

The number of items invoiced to date.

Make sure that the period types are up-to-date.


The number of items remaining to invoice as per the current and forecasted periods.

Make sure that the period types are up-to-date.


The number of items that are expected to be invoiced for each period.

Make sure that the period types are up-to-date.

It also provides the expenses related KPIs:

⛑️ Adding An Expense Item

In order to add an expense item you simply need to:

  1. Insert a row where ever you want in the table (Right Click > Insert row above / below).
  2. Copy the formulas for the computed fields.

Validation conditions will be copied automatically.


This is a read-only (protected) tab. Do not modify it.

This tab is a consolidated view of the financial performance of the project based on the overall Expected Margin of the project (also broken down for Labor and Expenses / Direct Costs). It compares it to the current margin objective and  margin at the time of contract signature.

This view is useful to understand how the project is doing based on initial objectives.


This is a read-only (protected) tab. Do not modify it.

This tab contains the list of Unloaded Rate for each role at your organization.


This is a hidden and read-only (protected tab). This tab should remain hidden. Do not modify it.

This tab contains the ID of the Conduite configuration file and other computed configuration parameters. 

Conduite Menu

Seed From Budget Builder

This menu item allows you to seed the Project Sheet tab financial and planning sections with the data from the Budget Builder. This feature requires you to specific the link to the Budget Builder file.

Submit Project Report Out

This menu item opens the sidebar and allows you to submit a Project Report Out (PRO) form. This is usually done by the Project Manager. It is preloaded with the data from the Project Dashboard.

Make sure to update the Project Dashboard with the most up-to-date data before submitting a PRO.

Do not edit the preloaded fields.

The PRO will be added to the PRO Database and an email will be sent to the user submitting the PRO from, Project Manager and any other person specified in the Conduite Global Configuration File. That email also contains the resourcing forecast from the Labor Tracking tab.


This menu item opens the sidebar and loads this help page.