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    What Is It?

    The CRM is an application that allows to manage the opportunities in your Business Development pipeline. 

    How Does It Work?

    Opportunities move through the pipeline as their probability evolve. The pipeline has several stages that reflect the advancement 

    Each opportunity is qualified by the following attributes

    • Stage - 
    • Probability - 

    Output Of The Application

    • Expected Value

    Key Notions



    Expected Value

    Structure Of The Application


    This tab is used to configure your pipeline by defining its stages. You can have as many stages as you need. We recommend having as few as possible.

    • Name - The name of the stage
    • Type
      • Early - Stages that hold opportunities with low probability. These stages are typically not used to compute the actual (Expected) Value of the pipeline.
      • Active - Stages that hold the opportunities that you are actively developing. These stages are typically used to compute the actual (Expected) Value of the pipeline.
      • Won - Stages that hold the opportunities that you have won. There's usually a single stage of type Won. These stages are typically not used to compute the actual (Expected) Value of the pipeline.
      • Lost - Stages that hold the opportunities that you have lost. You can have several Lost stages in order to reflect lost reasons for example. These stages are typically not used to compute the actual (Expected) Value of the pipeline.
    • Minimum Probability - The typical minimum probability of an opportunity in that stage.
    • Maximum Probability - The typical maximum probability of an opportunity in that stage.

    Probability ranges should not overlap. These ranges are used to warn you in case the probability of an opportunity is set to a value that falls outside of the stage's corresponding range.


    This tab contains the list of opportunities in your pipeline. Opportunities are qualified with the following attributes

    Attribute Description

    The name of the opportunity.


    Tip: It is usually good to follow a standard naming convention. Ex: <client_name> | <opportunity_name>.

    Labor (LB) - Value
    Labor (LB) - Margin (%)
    Expenses (EP) - Value
    Expenses (EP) - Margin (%)
    Budget Builder
    Total Value
    Expected Value (EV) - Total
    Expected Value (EV) - Margin

    We recommend keeping the opportunities sorted according to their stage.

    Adding An Opportunity

    In order to add an opportunity you simply need to:

    • Insert a row where ever you want in the table (Right Click > Insert row above / below).
    • Copy the formulas for the computed fields.

    Validation conditions will be copied automatically.


    Dashboard Data

    How To Use The Application