Budget Builder
What Is It?
The Budget Builder is an application that allows you to create detailed budgets and timelines during the business development phase.
Key Notions
Structure Of Budgets
Conduite works with budgets that have the following structure:
- Labor
- Expenses / Direct Costs
The Budget Builder computes margins ($, %) for both of them as well as an aggregated margin.
Daily Rates
In order to
Loaded and unloaded rate
Purpose of the application
- What it is for
- At which stage of the sales process do you use it
What you need to know
- Structure of bugdets
- Definitions
- Labor
- Expenses
- Margin
- Rates (unloaded, loaded)
What you get by using this application (link everything to the glossary)
- labor
- timeline
- expenses
- margins
- Tables for your proposals
Structure of the application
- list of tabs
- description of tabs
How to use the application
- for each tab explain what to do
- video