Budget Builder
The Budget Builder is an application that allows you to create detailed budgets and timelines.
Structure Of Budgets
Conduite works with budgets that have the following structure:
- Labor
- Expenses / Direct Costs
For both of them itthe isBudget possibleBuilder tocompute definethe amargin.

Loaded and unloaded rate
Purpose of the application
- What it is for
- At which stage of the sales process do you use it
What you need to know
- Structure of bugdets
- Definitions
- Labor
- Expenses
- Margin
- Rates (unloaded, loaded)
What you get by using this application (link everything to the glossary)
- labor
- timeline
- expenses
- margins
- Tables for your proposals
Structure of the application
- list of tabs
- description of tabs
How to use the application
- for each tab explain what to do
- video